By Chickweed
United Kingdom
Marigolds from seeds - morning everyone, I hope you are all well! I have a question about growing marigolds (tagetes) from seed.Last and this year I have tried growing them from seed, whether it's seeds I've collected from my own plants or packets I've bought in nurseries. The seeds just won't germinate. I normally grow most of my flowers and veg from seed but this time I'm stumped. Does anyone grow them from seed and is there a different method to enable germination success? Thanks in advance!
26 Apr, 2020
Hi Sheilabub, they're in my polytunnel and I'm watering the seed tray so it doesn't dry out. I really haven't a clue on where it's all going wrong!
26 Apr, 2020
How deep are you planting them? The seeds like to be close to the surface.
26 Apr, 2020
Some are on the surface, some are lightly covered with compost. I may have to give up for the second year running and hopefully be able to buy some (waiting for the nurseries to reopen).
26 Apr, 2020
It may be a temperature problem- Tagetes likes a soil temperature of 21-24 degC to germinate and grow. Whilst your polytunnel might get very warm during sunny days, it probably cools off too much at nights and on non sunny days. Further info below
26 Apr, 2020
Thanks Bamboo - I'll see where I can place the trays in warmer areas in the hope that they will eventually germinate. Thanks for the link as well!
26 Apr, 2020
I've never got them to germinate for me either and I pop them in a propagator so they are at the supposedly right temperature.
26 Apr, 2020
I;ve only germinated Tagetes once, years and years ago, but I had a small electric propagator that supplied bottom heat.... never bothered again, they;re not my favourite annuals and it was too much faffing about!
26 Apr, 2020
Yes, I'm growing marigolds from seeds, from last year's plants and from a new seed packet. I start them in the house on the kitchen window sill and plant them out when they reach a few inches. Whenever I direct sow them, birds come along and gobble up all the seeds and I wonder what happened. Warm temperatures, damp, not soggy, bright light, sterile seed starter mix. I grow them as work plants. They get rid of nematodes and fumigate my vegetable bed.
26 Apr, 2020
You might want to find a southern exposure and sow the seeds in late June. Once up, they grow and bloom very quickly.
26 Apr, 2020
Thank you everyone! I've moved my trays indoors for now. Fingers crossed!
26 Apr, 2020
Are they in a greenhouse or in the open? The garden soil is exceptionally dry at the moment, so it could just be that. It is odd though, as usually they are prolific.
26 Apr, 2020