By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
I'm looking to purchase an easy to grow climbing rose for a semi shaded spot to grow up against a trellis on the side of new garden shed, it would be planted into the ground. I prefer pink or cream tones. I am not very confident with roses but am trying to incorporate more roses in my garden. Any suggestions greatfully received.
1 May, 2020
Thank you Tugbrethill.
1 May, 2020
Or New Dawn. Its my avatar picture, scented too.
1 May, 2020
Yes it’s a very popular rose, SeBurn girl. Does it grow very big/tall?
1 May, 2020
Cecile Brunner is certainly a lovely small rose, also known as a buttonhole rose, but it grows like the clappers. I have one and was told it was a moderate height but it is huge and strong and has swamped my pergola with great sweeping arches high above, which are absolutely beautiful. I have let it go over the last year but it is in for a really heavy prune this year.
Look at Peter Beales' and David Austin's websites. They give a lot of detail about aspect, height, colour, thorniness, scent etc and will suggest roses for any situation.
1 May, 2020
Mine is allowed to get to 12ft as that is where the top wires are on the wall. I lay the stems as close to horizontal as I can so the stems produce flowers. Then every year I prune out about a 1/3 of the older stems to keep a good crop of buds.
2 May, 2020
There are two roses which do well in north facing positions, so a bit of shade isn't going to bother them - neither gets, huge (up to around 10 feet max) and disease resistance is good for both of them both repeat flowering - but they have red flowers, so they may not be what you want. Names are Hamburger Phoenix (ghastly name, lovely rose) with slightly fragrant, dark red flowers and Sympathie with red,
more fragrant flowers.
2 May, 2020
Pennyfarthin- Like the the look if Cecile Brunner, thanl you for suggesting it.
Bamboo - No red is not my preference, just too bold for me! Thank you all for your suggestions. I am now waiting for new shed to arrive (June) and then will probably get bare rooted rose in the autumn. Will post some shed before pictures, during and after of my new shed. Watch this space....
3 May, 2020
It sounds like a job for 'Cecile Brunner'. Light pink, fragrant, vigorous, and nearly thornless. May be a little shy to re-bloom, however.
1 May, 2020