West Sussex,
United Kingdom
I have a flower gap right now. The roses are over, as are the columbines, lychnis and alliums, ceonothus and lilac, so apart from one or two clematis the main garden lacks colour. There are phlox and michaelmas daisies to come later and some of the roses will bloom again, but what flowering shrubs and perennials do people have in bloom at the moment?
10 Jul, 2020
Yes I do know what you mean; I haven't yet got the knack of having blooms all year round. A couple of pots of geranium rozanne come in useful to me for filling gaps and they flower all summer, fuchsia, astrantia, musk mallow, purple toadflax( an annual? but self-seeds freely and bees love it), gaura, thalictrum, salvia and achillea are all flowering in my patch at the moment. I have two pots of lovely bright sunflowerish short blooms and I think they are gaillardia. Have had them in pots for years and they also are useful for adding brightness. Sorry no shrubs in bloom.
10 Jul, 2020
My pinks are still doing well. Gladiolus, potentilla fruticosa, begonia sempervirans, rose, Crocosmia Lucifer and Philadelphus virginalis. And of course good old Hydrangeas.
10 Jul, 2020
Achillea ptarmiga, Penstemon, Echinops, Lysimachia cletheroides, Lysimachia punctate, Knautia, Helenium, Hemerocallis, Centaurea pulchrima, Alcea, Astrantia,
Hosta,Persicaria Red Dragon, Persicaria Darjeeling red
are all in full flower at the moment.
10 Jul, 2020
Rudbeckias are your friend to the end. Mine are going bonkers! They come in various shades now. Plenty for long lasting indoor arrangements, plenty for bees and butterflies, plenty to jazz up the flower border. They readily self seed - plenty for the neighbors as well. Never heard anybody complain about rudbeckias. Goldstrum & Indian Summer are 2 favorite varieties. Do you want an awesome companion plant to rudbeckias? - - salvias or sage. It's the gold & blue color combo.
11 Jul, 2020
We have leucanthemums, monarda, verbena, pinks, herbaceous potentillas, hemerocallis, penstemons, crocosmia, catmint, lavender, kniphofia, geraniums etc. etc.
11 Jul, 2020
I was going to add my plants too but Penny has enough of a list to be going on with!
12 Jul, 2020
i certainly have, Arbuthnot! I wrote an and appreciative reply to everyone yesterday but it doesn't seem to have come through. Anyway, I really am very grateful for all your lists. I can make a long list of perennials to spoil myself with for next year!
12 Jul, 2020
In my garden: Shasta daisy, Monarda, Loosestrife and all of my various Hosta are in the heaviest bloom that I have seen in years for some unknown reason.
10 Jul, 2020