By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Asking for a friend. A suggestion for a trailing plant in a shady spot to be grown in a pot. Any suggestions greatly received.
25 Jul, 2020
25 Jul, 2020
Permanent or seasonal?
26 Jul, 2020
Permanent, perennial.
26 Jul, 2020
Hmm...Vinca minor 'Bowles'', or other variety? Lamium maculatum varieties? Lysimachia nummularia?
26 Jul, 2020
Thank you, will pass that on.
26 Jul, 2020
It wouldn't surprise me if others have better suggestions, Amsterdam, since my climate is so different. I'm trying to go by the hardy perennials that we sell as shady winter annuals in the nursery, here.
27 Jul, 2020
indoors or outdoors?
25 Jul, 2020