By Waddy
United Kingdom
I have a fern which is outside in a pot at present. I have over wintered it for the past 2 or 3 years in an unheated greenhouse but as it's got quite big now I'd like to put it into the garden. Will it survive and when can I plant it??
I have no idea what kind of fern it is.

10 Aug, 2020
yes I agree with Waddy we need to know which one it is to be certain of giving a 'safe' answer.
alternatively pot it into a larger pot as you would with other plants
10 Aug, 2020
Hi Julia! how are you? It's hot as heck here in NY. We just had a hurricane blow through here and was without power a couple days. Still cleaning up fallen trees and debris from that and the traffic lights are all kafoowee! uggh!
As for your fern, since it's been out there for 3 years, we know it's in a safe environment already but a picture would be a huge help or if you can at least tell us what type of fern it is. The best time to transplant anything is while its dormant, but when ya gotta, ya gotta. There is a way to do it but we need a little more info.
10 Aug, 2020
the problem is it has been over-wintered in a greenhouse. So until we know which one it is, it may not be fully hardy.
10 Aug, 2020
I have now attached a photo (the best I could get) but I"m thinking perhaps I'm just going to have to risk it.
12 Aug, 2020
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Which type is it, Waddy? I did that with a Cyrtomium as I was afraid of losing it, but it got big so I planted it out & it has been just fine through 2 winters. I have 12 different ferns & they all overwinter, including The Maidenhair Fern. Don't know whether yours is an indoor one, or especially tender.
10 Aug, 2020