By Loupylou
United Kingdom
Good afternoon all, Can anyone tell me if this is Fuchsia Gall Mite, I read on HRS website about it but there is not a picture of what it looks like, I have 3 fuchsias and they are all showing the same signs. As well as the tips looking crispy and weird, all are looking very sorry for themselves and hardly had any flowers. Thank you for reading, x

11 Aug, 2020
I agree it does look like it. just google fuchsia gall mite images.
11 Aug, 2020
Yes Owdboggy, after I put the question on I carried on looking on the web and found images of gall mite. So my plants will be getting dug up and disposed off later today :( :( x
11 Aug, 2020
I binned a collection of Fuchsias a few years ago as they had just the same problem. So sad to see them distorted like that.
11 Aug, 2020
Looks like it. I found dozens of images of the damage on the Interweb.
11 Aug, 2020