By Feverfew
United Kingdom
Suggestions please for heat/drought tolerant perennial plants for next year, that will also tolerate an English, usually damp winter. I've had to drape netting over some plants as they are getting scorched. If global warming continues we will have to go with it & change the plants we grow. The Sempervivums are thriving, but I don't really want a whole garden full!
11 Aug, 2020
I've not known it this hot here before. I have some fuchsia (and other) flowers that have bleached white in the sun.
12 Aug, 2020
Andrew's suggestions are good but remember you will need to add grit to aid drainage to help them cope with the wet autumn/winter.
12 Aug, 2020
Thank you for your replies. I have read your blog Andrew & made a note of all the plants you mention. Your border looked good & interesting blog. Sbg, will do as you say regarding the grit, although I am on sand but I am going to incorporate quite a bit of compost too. Hope it will be ok to do both.
12 Aug, 2020
Thank you Andrew. I have read your blog & made a note of the plants you mention. Your border looked good & interesting blog. Sbg, I will do as you say regarding the grit ( I am on sand, though). Will this make a difference? I will have to add compost also as the soil is quite poor. Is it ok to do both?
12 Aug, 2020
I'd get some lavender and rosemary, both good for dry soil, oh and different types of thyme, there is one that spreads and looks lovely when in flower..
14 Aug, 2020
Camomile, I already have,Lavender, Rosemary& Thyme,
latter doesn't like to get snow on it, but always grows back, eventually. Thank you for replying.
I have bought the following plants-- Monardia,
Pineapple Sage, Helianthemum, Wisley Pink, 2 Salvias-
S. greggii Mirage, S. uliginosa, Euphorbia- Ascot Rainbow &
Physocarpus opulif- tiny wine. I would like to be sure that they are all fully hardy. I will check on line but if anyone has any knowledge of these plants I will be grateful for any tips.
16 Aug, 2020
Do you remember when I replanted my front garden as a prairie? With a couple of exceptions, everything in it has thrived. You can find the plant list in my blog here:
11 Aug, 2020