By Somhairle
Do foxgloves suffer from slugs?
I am just planting out some foxgloves and wondered how big an issue slugs could be. They look like the type of plant that slugs would go for, but never having grown these before, I was not sure.
30 Aug, 2020
Sorry, but yes they do go for them. The Apricot ones I have suffered badly as babies and I had to put them where the slugs/snails could not get at them. Now that the plants are big there does seem to be less damage.
30 Aug, 2020
Oh dear, some of the ones I planted out were apricot ones. I'll keep an eye on them then. My garden is pretty heavy, so slugs are abundant.
I was hoping that digitalis was poisonous to them. :)
30 Aug, 2020
I've never noticed anyslug or snail damage but mine are the original wild type.
30 Aug, 2020
Slugs loved my foxgloves.
Once they foxgloves are larger they seem less tasty, but the young plants are a slug magnet in my garden
31 Aug, 2020
Not on my white one's, never had a problem.
4 Sep, 2020
I nt really say I have noticed any damage on any foxgloves I grow. Though slugs etc do hide under leaves.
30 Aug, 2020