By Hank
United Kingdom
I have a tomato plant 9 inches tall with 10 ripe ( almost) toms on it. Is it a record ?
I’d send a photo but can’t just now.
31 Aug, 2020
No its not a record, its a tomato plant....(sorry!)
31 Aug, 2020
Aw dammit, I thought it was quite an achievement. Thanks.
31 Aug, 2020
It is! You got 10 tomatoes. Fry them up with bacon & eggs, a dash of salt & pepper.
31 Aug, 2020
Tomato cucumber salad, bruschetta...I'm with you, Hank! I'd be feeling pretty chuffed--assuming I'm interpreting that term correctly! Even if it isn't a record.
1 Sep, 2020
Thanks B, and chuffed is appropriate Tug.
1 Sep, 2020
Good! I like to speak the language, but "in America we haven't spoken it for years." :)
2 Sep, 2020
I think I've set a record for wasting the most time and effort growing Sweet Millions tomatoes. There are millions of them and they're 5 feet tall but not sweet at all! If anyone can recommend sweet cherry tomatoes for next year I'd be delighted.
4 Sep, 2020
Cammomile I can! Try growing Sun Gold - the most popular cherry tomato in the world. Very productive plants and disease resistant - lots of large clusters hanging down. Very rich sweet slightly acidic flavor. Just delicious. I was sad when the cold weather took out my plants. I would harvest a basket of cherry tomatoes almost daily. I can't go back to eating grocery store tomatoes. lol
5 Sep, 2020
Sungold for me next year, my small ones were poor.
6 Sep, 2020
Thanks Bathgate and Hank. The plants were given to me by a neighbour so I feel a bit mean (he doesn't like tomatoes). They certainly are prolific but I'll have a go at Sungold next year. There's no point in me buying seeds as my garden is too small and there's only me and the other half.
13 Sep, 2020
Im going to miss picking my own fresh tomatoes daily
14 Sep, 2020
They must be the grape tomatoes. 10 tomatoes sounds about right. Enjoy them!
31 Aug, 2020