By Georgeadair
United Kingdom
Hi. Any suggestions for a medium sized shrub (approx5’ high x 4’ spread) for a very shady aspect in my garden?
12 Sep, 2020
Aucuba japonica or spotted laurel does well in my garden as does Skimmia and Sarcococca . I have a Mahonia in quite deep shade too.
13 Sep, 2020
Mahonia aquifolium does well in shade and won't get much above 5 feet in height - tends to be wider than its tall as it grows, but it can be pruned after flowering to contain its spread - though this is unlikely to be necessary for the first 4 or 5 years.
13 Sep, 2020
Brilliant answers. Many thanks for the suggestions I will check them out further.
13 Sep, 2020
Maybe one of the shorter varieties of Camelia sasanqua? May not bloom if it's too shady, though.
13 Sep, 2020