United Kingdom
I'm moving all my verbena bonariensis and wonder when is the best time to do this.
31 Oct, 2020
Thank you SBG. I'm taking cuttings from sideshoots so they will be potted up for the winter.
1 Nov, 2020
I do most of my transplanting & moving things in the fall (now). I've already moved loads of things last week. This also goes for dividing day lilies, hostas, etc, planting spring bulbs, reseeding the lawn, etc.
1 Nov, 2020
Seem that your snow has gone now?
1 Nov, 2020
I find them very good tempered when moved and have moved them any time of year but I seldom bother now because they seed themselves freely. I love the way they pop up all over the garden and I pot up any that are in really unsuitable places and give them away.
1 Nov, 2020
The snow is gone for the moment Sue but we're only getting started.
2 Nov, 2020
I do find some seedlings in the spring but not that many.
2 Nov, 2020
Thankyou everyone.
3 Nov, 2020
I usually do it in the spring when new growth is just starting. having said that I have potted self sown ones up this time of year before and kept them in the lea of a wall to prevent the pots from freezing.
31 Oct, 2020