How to erect a wooden obelisk Please can someone tell me how to fix an obelisk in the ground?
By Canalhopper
United Kingdom
How to erect a wooden obelisk
Please can someone tell me how to fix an obelisk in the ground? My husband and I have been having heated discussions about how you can push it into the ground when the legs are at an angle.....
1 Nov, 2020
if the soil is soft ie dug over then the obelisk will push into the soil even though they are angled. apply even pressure so they sink in evenly. If you don't want it permanently set in concrete then treat the ends of the wood with preservative. mine are moveable so just treated.
to further anchor it you could use metal tent pegs over the lower rail.
1 Nov, 2020
Many thanks.I think I’llass on the augur and cement and go for sinking it in the ground and using tent pegs.
1 Nov, 2020
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The proper way to do this is with an auger tool & some quick setting concrete. Knowledge and physical strength come into play as well. Don't 'cut corners' on this job. Getting it wrong could result in catastrophic failure. Consider hiring somebody who can do the job with the proper tools & equipment.
1 Nov, 2020