By Davebuchan
United Kingdom
I am moving house soon and would like advice on what to do with these clematis plants they are both in their first year so do I cut them back of the and keep them as they are until next spring( I take it that's when you prune clematis?)

2 Nov, 2020
The last time we moved was in October and I brought two with us. I cut them right down and potted them and they are both doing well but as yours are already in pots, when you move put them in a good sheltered position and plant them out in the spring or early summer. I've not had a problem cutting them quite drastically after they've flowered and both have re-bloomed really well, even at the moment.
2 Nov, 2020
Even if they are clematis that don't need pruning, if its easier to move house with them cut down, cut them down - they should just produce new growth off the roots next year and with luck, just flower later.
3 Nov, 2020
Pruning depends on the type of Clematis. Simple rule though is if they flower before June then don't prune After June cut back in February.
2 Nov, 2020