By Yorkslass
Looking for inspiration!
Some years ago I bought a small terracotta urn (10" across the top and quite narrow) but have never been able to think what to plant it with. I've just thought of a fern perhaps - any other ideas please?
On plant
Urnus yorksii

5 Jan, 2021
Anthemis ?
5 Jan, 2021
Sue, do you want something for the house or the garden? I'm thinking succulents for the house since terracotta keeps them cozy. Jade Plant?
5 Jan, 2021
How tall is it and wide at the bottom Sue? Do you want it to be all seasons? or are you happy to have different plants through out the year?
I often layer pots with early bulbs then later ones with a hosta, fern, heucherella etc.
can you load a picture of your pot?
5 Jan, 2021
Pic as requested. The little triangle on the left is the cat's ear - they always have to be in on the act...
Diameter 10 inches at the top. Height from ground to top of rim is a scant 12"
It stays outside all winter Paul.
Alistair and Shirley - both nice ideas I hadn't thought of, thank you. The grass would have a nice long season when you include the seed heads.
Yes Eileen, a lasagna would be lovely but these days I think I'd be better with something that just gets on with it on its own as I have so many pots that need planting up twice a year as it is...
Might go with the grass with a few reliable little bulbs round it that could stay there all the time. (Quite fancy the Anthemis somewhere else though...)
Thank you everyone!
6 Jan, 2021
Sue, I just found a photo of a grass I had in a pot some years ago (it's now in a border) and it is Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola'. About to post a photo of it for you.
6 Jan, 2021
Thank you Shirley - very attractive!
6 Jan, 2021
That is a pretty planter Stera. I have planters with bulbs in that have been in place for 6 plus years. I usually give the bulbs a granular feed after flowering and that gives the fuchsia a head start. I also have hostas, agpanthus and self sown snapdragons in similar situations.
as long as you don't put the enriched planters on a pond wall all will be well !
7 Jan, 2021
Salvia ‘Love and Wishes’?
8 Jan, 2021
How about a red New Zealand flax? They look lovely in pots.
8 Jan, 2021
Do you have a Japanese Cherry? If not, how about Prunus Kojo-no- Mai , dwarf cherry with very pretty white blossom in Spring and good autumn leaf colour? Underneath, black grass Opiophogon.
8 Jan, 2021
A feathery grass perhaps.
5 Jan, 2021