By Canalhopper
United Kingdom
Please can someone identify this plant? I need to prune it, and can’t remember when to do it. It has yellow flowers in the summer.
Sorry one is upside down......
Thank you.

18 Jan, 2021
Thanks, but I don't think it is.
It doesn't smell like curry, and the leaves (or whatever they're called!) are serrated on the sides, whereas the curry plant has smooth edges. But many thanks for replying!
18 Jan, 2021
It looks like the gray species of Santolina...aha! Found it! S. chamaecyparissus, or lavender cotton.
18 Jan, 2021
it is in pruning group 10. this is what the rhs says.
Evergreen shrubs (Pruning group 10)
Timing: Prune immediately after flowering where flowering is on the previous year's growth, or in the subsequent early to mid-spring if flowering is on the current year's growth.
Examples: Bouvardia, heather (Calluna), Erica, Helianthemum, Hyssopus, Lavandula, Ruta, Santolina, Thymus, gorse (Ulex).
Pruning: This group of evergreen shrubs flower on the previous year's growth in spring or early summer, or on the current year's growth in late summer and autumn. Remove shoots that have flowered to within 1.5-2.5cm (¾-1in) of the previous year's growth.
Exceptions: Certain deciduous shrubs such as Potentilla fruticosa and Ceratostigma willmotianum also fall within this pruning group.
18 Jan, 2021
Thank you all so much. Santolina chamaecyparissus It definitely is!
18 Jan, 2021
Sorry for the mistake, I used to have it and thought that's what it was. Now I know its real name :) I may try to get another one.
18 Jan, 2021
It looks to me like Helichrysum italicum ("curry plant" I think it's English name is ?)
You cut it back in early spring/
18 Jan, 2021