By Yorkslass
Bamboo(not a question)
I sent a message to her recently and have had no reply, which is worrying as she normally replies quickly. If I'm able to get any info another way I will let you know.
18 Jan, 2021
That is true and there are a few members who haven't been on for a while. Dawnsaunt being another. She didn't reply to one of my pm's.
18 Jan, 2021
Well what a coincidence - I received a PM this evening!
It was good to hear that she's still coping, though it can't be much fun. She didn't mention a big op Hywel - not sure that's right?
18 Jan, 2021
Hywel, I wonder if you are thinking of Denise (Dcr) as she did have surgery some time ago and is recovering at home now.
19 Jan, 2021
Yes Shirley I know about Denise and that she is recovering. I've seen her avatar and 'spoken' to her in a pm. But Bamboo also had a big operation in 2018, I've just found the page where Yorkslass wrote about it when she was called Steragram.
Here's a link to what you wrote about it Sue :-
19 Jan, 2021
Hywel, I had no idea of Bamboo's ill health, or her op. back in 2018. I have skimmed through the blog which I will read through properly later. Thank you for letting me know . . . :o)
19 Jan, 2021
You're welcome Shirley, and it was longer ago than I thought - 2018, the time flies !
19 Jan, 2021
I got a pm from Bamboo today and she is doing ok, not fully fighting fit and bored with the groundhog day type routines.
19 Jan, 2021
Thank you for the ref. Hywel. I was concerned that Covid might have interfered with her treatment but it seems to be going on OK.
Eileen what did you mean please? I looked up Groundhog Day but couldn't see anything that seemed to be relevant?
20 Jan, 2021
Ground hog day was a film with Bill Murray and if in the right mood is quite funny; where a reporter had an accident and when he woke up the day was a perfect repeat of the previous day. it kept happening day after day. The date in the story was the day a groundhog came out of hibernation to hearald the end of spring in some small American town.
so for me my ground hog routine is get up, shower, get dressed, cook breakfast. Potter about, cook lunch, potter abou,t eat tea [Victoria cooks it] wash up. Watch tv, lock up and go to bed.
get up, shower etc. day after day, after day.
20 Jan, 2021
That sounds horrible familiar (except Victoria cooks it)
Now there's a blessing to count!
21 Jan, 2021
yes she is earning her keep. She had an interview for a wildlife role today so fingers crossed. That's a bit of a groundhog thing too. Apply, wait, get rejected. So hopefully she will break that .
22 Jan, 2021
Crossing mine too then. Let me know.
22 Jan, 2021
Oh dear, I hope she's all right. I understand she had a big operation some time ago so I hope all is well with her.
18 Jan, 2021