By Ostrich
East northants,
United Kingdom
I am branching out....a Bardsey Apple tree on order. Seeing birds enjoying a crab apple tree in a garden nearby I think I might also get one. BUT....question is which one, there are so many to choose from. I want one that is fairly well grown but will not grow above 8-10 feet, has small bright fruits that are attractive to birds, also with attractive blossom. I have looked at several on line but would prefer advice from people who have the experience of growing them. It would be in a position where it is not hugely sheltered, but in roughly the same aspect as the one I have seen.
19 Jan, 2021
Thanks....the latter is the one I would want....what a pity you don't have the name. Never mind..."keep calm & keep looking" my message to me!!!
20 Jan, 2021
Possibly Malus 'Liset' it is a good match for it and the fruits are edible. They make a nice jelly if I get to them before the birds.
20 Jan, 2021
Do you want one for edible fruits as again there are better varieties if you want to make crab apple jelly.
I inherited one that has young bronze foliage deep pink flowers and dark red fruits that the birds adore. However I have no idea of its name.
19 Jan, 2021