By Rimic
Isle of Man
I had my first Manx marvels fromLancaster university when the scientist was looking for people like me, living on the Isle of Man. Unfortunately after a few years, last year was a bad one and I had no seeds for this year.where can I get then from. Thank you
On plant
Thank you for all your help I did get my origin, seeds in 2007 and have saved some every year but last year was a bad year a s
2 Mar, 2021
welcome to GoY.
I did what Thorneyside did.
cant add anything else.
3 Mar, 2021
Try Renaissance Farms, you can find them either on Facebook or just enter Manx Marvel Tomato in your searchbar..
3 Mar, 2021
Previous question
« I'm sure I've seen this question before, but I can't get any pictures...
I just typed in Manx marvel seeds and various sellers came up. This article also came up from Lancaster University. Maybe someone there can help you.
Isle of Man News - POSTED Thu 04-01-2007
Manx tomato rediscovered
by Manx Radio
A researcher at Lancaster University is appealing for your help growing an Isle of Man variety of tomato which had been lost for decades.
The Manx Marvel was rediscovered in an American seed bank, and Dr Russell Sharp is asking for volunteers to grow the plant in its native soil.
Little is known about the history of the tomato, and he’s hoping people can let him know how it grows and – more importantly – how it tastes.
He’s offering free seeds to anybody who can help, and admits he knows little about the breed: (audio clip)
If you can help, you can send a self-addressed envelope with a UK stamp on to: Dr Russell Sharp, Lancaster Environmental Centre, Lancaster University, LA1 4YQ
3 Mar, 2021