By Hywel
I've bought some dwarf wallflowers. If I save and sow the seeds will the next generation be dwarf or will they grow tall ?
24 Mar, 2021
Interesting question. I have Erysimum Red Jep and am taking cuttings ... I just assumed they would be dwarf too.
24 Mar, 2021
Cuttings should be dwarf also, Sheilabub: they're genetically identical to their mother. When flowers are pollinated and seed forms, the genes of the seeds are all reassorted.
24 Mar, 2021
Thanks for your replies, I don't know the variety, there's no label on them. I'll sow the seeds and see what happens :)
25 Mar, 2021
that will depend on the genetics Hywel. If the dwarf are a pure genetic dwarf[rather than an F1/F2 hybrid] then yes they will providing they haven't been pollinated by any other height types.
Do you know what variety they are, anything on the label?
24 Mar, 2021