United Kingdom
How do you protect a solanum standard rantonnetii from frost, I don't have a green house but I do have a garage. Paul M (Scotland)
18 Sep, 2010
United Kingdom
How do you protect a solanum standard rantonnetii from frost, I don't have a green house but I do have a garage. Paul M (Scotland)
this plant will still need some daylight, so if your garage has a good sized window, that might work. Otherwise you've got a big problem...if its in a pot, and I assume it is, you could try putting it in a southfacing, sheltered spot against the house wall, specially a wall with a radiator on the inside, bubble wrap the pot, and arrange a tent of horticultural fleece over the growth, uncovering during milder spells. Or fashion a plastic tent around it, though the plastic should not be in contact with the foliage.
18 Sep, 2010