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Shropshire, United Kingdom

I.D. please
Am I right in thinking this is "Forget me not"?
There is a bit of a story in me hoping it is. At the end of this month, it will be a year since I had to say goodbye to my oldest dog Ben. About a week later I received a card and a packet of Forget me not seeds from the vets. I put the packet away and never use them.



They are indeed forget me nots.
what a lovely thoughtful gift from the vet.

if you leave them to seed you will have more and more.

3 May, 2021


Thank you Seaburngirl, I thought they were but wasn't sure. Must had come from next doors garden. Later last year, I regretted having not planted the seeds the vets sent me and am glad I've got them growing in my garden anyway. Think the vets started doing this as last year asyou weren't allowed to be with them and I had to hand him over in the car park.

3 May, 2021


That's a beautiful gesture.

3 May, 2021


if you want to grow more, the seed the vet sent you is likely to be viable.

3 May, 2021


It was wasn't it Yorkslass. At the time, I wasn't ready to plant them so just put them away with the card.

Seaburngirl, can I scatter them now or do I have to wait?

3 May, 2021


scatter now and they will flower later in the year.

3 May, 2021


Jen, I remember a Vet did just this when a friend's little dog passed away . . . such a thoughtful idea. Once you have Forget-me-nots you probably always will!

3 May, 2021


Thank you so much Seaburngirl.

Shirley, it was such a lovely gesture. I had them in my last garden but not here. The ground under the Damson doesn't have really anything growing in it, so will be nice having them there.

3 May, 2021


I couldn't agree more Jen ... enjoy them!

3 May, 2021


Tip for next year:I discovered by serendipity that they look wonderful with pink tulips.

3 May, 2021


So sorry about your dog Jen. We never really forget them do we? We shouldn't! A thoughtful gesture indeed. Your vet really cares. I would pick up a new packet of forget-me-not seeds and plant them in Ben's honor. When they bloom, you'll think of him. I don't know what that plant is.

4 May, 2021


This made me think of a rhyme that my auntie wrote in my autograph book when I was about 11:

"In your garden, keep for me a little grassy spot.
In it plant one tiny piece of sweet forget-me-not!"

I'm always reminded of my long departed aunt when the forget-me-nots are out. Your vet certainly gave you a most appropriate flower in memory of your dog.
As said above, they will seed themselves all around but are so lovely and it is no trouble to pull them up when they are over if you want to make room for other things. New ones are certain to appear next spring!

4 May, 2021


Yorkslass thank you. There is some red tulips there. Previous years I've not had much luck with tulips and these normally get smashed by the dogs chasing the wildlife in the garden. This year they have survived as boys not been allowed in the back garden due to re seeding the lawn. Will look for some pink ones :)

5 May, 2021


Thank you Bathgate. I think last year, vets were trying hard due to us being in the 1st lockdown here in UK. We were not allowed to go into the vets and I had to hand Ben over in the car park. He had terminal cancer. It was awful as I've always been there for all my pets.
Forget me not are fairly common over here as they self seed freely. I had them in my last garden.

5 May, 2021


Thank you Pennyfarthing. That is a lovely poem. I don't mind if they spread around that bed as there isn't really anything growing under the Damson trees and like you, they now will remind me of Ben

5 May, 2021

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