By Yorkslass
Is there any other wild pant that grows abut two feet tall and has ridged stems? I'm thinking white Mullein as the leaves are the right shape - any other suggestions please? Will add a photo if necessary but would really like to dig it up asap...

22 Jun, 2021
Yes. they are in a spray of very mingy looking little flowers.
Will take photo this afternoon.
22 Jun, 2021
Not one of the hogweeds then?
22 Jun, 2021
So good for wildlife.
22 Jun, 2021
E: Nothing like any hogweed I've ever seen. Couldn't photo this pm, sun too strong. Will do tomorrow.
Merllinbd - In what way? Though some very tiny insects have made very tiny holes in the leaves, if that counts!
22 Jun, 2021
Photo attached now - hope it's good enough as it was the only spike with a flower head
25 Jun, 2021
looks like common figwort. Scrophularia nodosa
Some have 'winged' stems others dont. Likes dampish spots. An unusual native.
25 Jun, 2021
Thank you - I'd never have found that! I knew you'd know what it is. Did you notice it has tiny shiny black seeds? Collins pocket guide says it likes damp places, but I guess most places were damp this Spring which must have misled it!
Unusual or not it can't stay between fuchsias...One of my herbals says it can be used for various skin conditions
25 Jun, 2021
I have quite a lot of this popping up at the bottom of the garden and I always leave as much as I can because the bees love it. It's really easy to pull up as it is shallow rooted.
26 Jun, 2021
That's interesting Pennyfarthing - I don't think I ever saw it before but probably only noticed it now because it popped up where it shouldn't be ...
2 Jul, 2021
a photo if you can please Yorks. has it started putting up flower buds yet?
22 Jun, 2021