By Rachel18
United Kingdom
I purchased two tom thumb tomato hanging baskets, they have flowered quite a lot, but no sign of tomatoes, I have been giving them tomato feed, is there anything else I should be doing. ?
29 Jun, 2021
My outdoor tomatoes are very slow, I suspect because of the lack of sunshine.
29 Jun, 2021
Same here, about 4 fruits set, very, very slow this year - plenty of foliage, little sign of fruit, though there are trusses of flowers. Just insufficient sun and warmth I think... by this time last year I'd been eating tomatoes off the plants for a week or so... my summer bedding's not doing so well either, looks okay, but slow, slow...and rainspotted on some susceptible plants.
29 Jun, 2021
Thank you for feed back, it seems everybody is in the same boat, as long as I am doing nothing wrong, but look forward to a home grown tomato, Thanks again.
30 Jun, 2021
try misting the flowers with water to help fruit set. I only feed mine weekly.
29 Jun, 2021