By Mizzle
Droopy tomatoes
Just wondering if any of you lovely people can help me with a tomato conundrum. I’m growing Moneymaker tomatoes in my greenhouse. The plants are big, plenty of leaves and flowers, some fruit forming :)
However, the leaves are very droopy and limp.
I used to water them every 2 days but was told I might be watering them too much so I’ve reduced that to a good drink twice a week. I add tomato feed to one of those drinks.
However the leaves are still droopy and turning yellowish brown. What is going on?!
I would appreciate any insight you may have!

1 Jul, 2021
Thank you SG, hope you’re well! Does your drip feeder thingy feed and water them at the same time?
My poor plants, I’m dehydrating and starving them :(
1 Jul, 2021
When you planted your tomatoes they grew a second and larger root system just below the soil level. So they will dry out very quickly. As SBG says you need to water more often. I water mine in the greenhouse at least every day and sometime more if it's very hot. I would also feed when they are fruiting at least twice a week as constant watering will quickly wash away the nutrients.
1 Jul, 2021
Also make sure the water is actually reaching the root system and not running off in another direction. I grew Moneymaker. They are numerous, large juicy & delicious tomatoes. They need lots of water at this stage. At least every other day - a long deep soaking.
1 Jul, 2021
the water system is just water Mizzle, I add tomato to a watering can and feed every couple of weeks. I was always told that to feed once the first set of flowers set fruit.
2 Jul, 2021
I was using the stinky Alaska Fish Emulsion and got loads of tomatoes all summer long. It's very mild and has everything a plant needs including trace minerals. It's just pulverized fish.
2 Jul, 2021
In my experience, watering every morning in containers, or 2-3 times a week in the ground. For the former, enough water to saturate the soil. For the latter, enough to soak the soil a good two feet down--tomatoes will grow very deep roots, given the opportunity.
If correcting the watering does no good, and the yellow and brown patches are irregular and between the veins, it may be one of the wilt diseases, such as Verticillium or Fusarium. Heirlooms, like 'Moneymaker', rarely have much resistance to those.
4 Jul, 2021
Thanks everyone! I’m watering them every day now and they’re doing much better! I got the fear when someone told me its possible to over water them so I went in the opposite direction. Thanks again x
4 Jul, 2021
as they are big plants they will need much more than that.
i have mine on a drip feed timer and at this time of year they get 15 mins every 8 hrs.
water in the evening and if still limp perhaps first thing too.
1 Jul, 2021