Hi there!Me again with another problem
By Templeton
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi there!
Me again with another problem. Could someone please be kind enough to diagnose the problem shown in the photograph? Leaves of the honeysuckle are now yellowing and I will probably lose the folialage if I don't act quickly to stop it. This seems to have happened overnight, the shrub looked healthy enough yesterday and I was pleased with its progress, after brutally pruning last Autumn. It lives in a container by the way and there are now buds showing. Have I been over watering, during this heat wave, I wonder, or perhaps over-feeding, or could it be something else?
Thanks for advice
On plant

24 Jul, 2021
Thank you.
This honeysuckle is quite old and for the past few years it's leaves have turned yellow with brown spots and then 90% have fallen. When I checked again this morning, the same thing is happening on two other honeysuckles. One is a cutting from the original, and the other is a new plant. These climbers are growing alongside each other in separate containers, and one is in a different part of the patio. Amazingly, ALL THREE, have shown yellowing leaves on the same day? That seems strange. So far, I haven't been able to detect any greenfly and indeed, during this hot weather, I have been misting them, do you think this has been a mistake? Is there anything I could spray on them? I am so fearful that all the foliage will drop, on all three shrubs, as happened to the original one in previous years. The soil seems very dry at the moment, so I guess I should give them some water.
25 Jul, 2021
I just remembered that two days ago, I water sprayed the foliage on all three plants, thinking they might benefit, after such a hot day, however, it now seems more than a coincidence, that yesterday, they ALL showed yellowing leaves, especially in the middle and lower part of the vines?? Do you think spraying could have caused the problem?
26 Jul, 2021
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« Who can ID this bug? Does anybody have any idea what this is? Thanks
this looks like sooty mould. Fugus grows on sugary residue dripped from greenfly or others.
they do drop leaves regularly through out the growing season. Watering freely as it is in a pot is a good idea. Don't over feed it though as you will leaves instead of flowers. Also excess feed will wash out of the pot and it is a waste of money.
24 Jul, 2021