West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Perennial salvias.
I'm thinking of buying some salvia nemorosa and salvia superba in 9cm pots.
Will these survive the winter outdoors? Should I pot them on when they arrive? Would they be better off in a cold conservatory? Any tips would be helpful, thanks.
21 Aug, 2021
Thanks, Seaburngirl.
22 Aug, 2021
They are perfectly hardy when mature Penny, but if they are small with very little root, it will be safer to keep them under cover until Spring.
22 Aug, 2021
Thanks Sheila, i have never gtown them before this year when I bought a couple of small plants. I just love the blue spires of colour, but only one did really well. I'd love to grow more, especially as the bees adore them! I thinkI will keep the new ones under cover as you and Eileen suggest.
23 Aug, 2021
if the graden is ready to take them plant them now, the soil is nicely warm and they will establish.
having said that I usually pot on 9cm pots into 0.5litre pots to get them to a bigger size. But then they would need some winter protection ready for planting out in Spring.
21 Aug, 2021