By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
Amelanchier Ballerina
Mine has been in the ground for about 2 years and though it looks healthy and is growing, it's leggy, not bushing out. Should I cut the top off or will the tree eventually branch out sideways?
19 Nov, 2021
A beautifull shrub but as Eileen says, you have chosen an upright variety and a light prune on a regular basis will help slightly. Amelanchier lamarckii (canadensis) would have been the best choice.
19 Nov, 2021
Yes A. Lamarckii is definitely more bushy.
20 Nov, 2021
Thank you all. That’s what I suspected but didn’t know Ballerina wasn’t bushy like other trees when I bought it. I planted it to hide a neighbouring house wall at the back of the garden. Oh well, it’s very pretty but I shall have to rely on my lovely Sambucus nearby to do the job now.
Thanks again.
22 Nov, 2021
I too have the Amelenchier , but planted it so that it would fit in the border.
23 Nov, 2021
Thanks for all your comments. When I looking for Amelanchier I found it difficult so when I spotted one in a nursery I didn’t hesitate. Of course I didn’t know that it would be the skinny model. Oh well, it’s still pretty.
2 Jan, 2022
It can be lightly pruned to help it bush out, but it is described in many places as a small upright tree, so I wouldn't expect it to bush out much.
This is the link to the RHS information:
19 Nov, 2021