By Arthurgill
County Antrim,
United Kingdom
We have a Japanese Willow Salix Flamingo (quarter standard ) and it has sprouted a shoot from the stem which is now about 12 inches long --- would this shoot root if it was cut off-- i have read somewhere that they root very easily -- what do you think ?
26 Sep, 2010
Yes, and the shoot is probably not the pretty pink and cream variegated sort as the top of the tree. All suckers on grafted plants should be removed as soon as they are spotted or they will take over from the variety that has been grafted on top. The rootstock are always a boring sort of plant!!
26 Sep, 2010
These plants are grafted at the top of the standard stem - any shoots appearing beneath that will be off the rootstock, not the same as the top growth, and should be removed.
26 Sep, 2010