By Jimmytheone
United Kingdom
I have The Common Pasque Flower – Pulsatilla vulgaris in several colours growing in the front of my herbacious border. At this time, after flowering I cut them back. I have looked online at possible ways of propagating them. It says that is usually done by root cuttings or seeds. On one site it says that it might be done by division but does not recommend. My question is, has anyone been successful with division?
25 May, 2022
Even from root cuttings it is very hit and miss. They really do not like root disturbance.
25 May, 2022
I haven’t, but I have lost some by moving them. Go for seed…much easier. They grow well from seed.
29 May, 2022
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« Hi, can someone identify this tree for me please? Thanks in advance.
I can’t help thinking that seeds would be easier ..
25 May, 2022