By Bex84
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I wonder if anyone can help me. I'm a fairly new keen gardener. My new garden is slowly flourishing but I'm still learning what my plants like and don't like.
I recently repotted my rhododendron plant into a new larger pot. I used ericaceous soil and the rhododendron seemed to really blossom over the following weeks. One morning the flowers were suddenly wilted and flat. They have been like this since and are now turning brown. I'm not sure what I have done wrong. Maybe a bit of frost had got them through the night?
Is there anything I can do? Should I be deheading these flowers? And will the plant bloom again this season or is that it now for this year?
On plant
29 May, 2022
welcome to GoY Bex. Ask as many questions as you like, we will try and help. We are mainly a site of happy passionate gardeners and we do have some professionals on here too.
As Owd says these are the flowers for this year. So remove them or wait for them to drop off.
The cause of the wilting could have been frost or lack of water if it had been particularly breezy.
you will find all plants lose more water on windy days so make sure they get plenty directly onto the surface of the compost. [also true of plants in the ground].
Even if it has been raining plants in a pot may not get enough water.
Mid summer on, the Rhododendron, will start making next year's flowers so watering is essential to ensure the flowers form. Same for Camellias too.
29 May, 2022
Thankyou Owd and Seaburngirl for your responses. I think I will probably remove the dead flower head's then as to be honest it does grieve me everytime I look at them, they were really a picture to look at before they wilted but nevermind hopefully next year will be bigger and better!
Thanks again for the useful advice.
29 May, 2022
My rhododendrons are just the same now. It is always sad when they finish but cheer up, they will be back next year. Soon you should see some new shoots of nice fresh green leaves where next years flowers will grow. As yours is in a pot remember to water it if it gets very dry - it will need a drink to make its new leaves.
5 Jun, 2022
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Gently snap off the flowers where they emerge from the stems. No really needed but it does make the plant look better.
That is it for this season.
Feed with special ericaceous food for next year.
29 May, 2022