By Spartan73
United Kingdom
Hi i have got tiny black flies flying around and crawling in the soil of my lovley plant
, its healthy and the flies are harmless but very very very annoying any sussgestions ?
On plant
Dracaena marginata
29 Sep, 2010
They may just like the smell...
29 Sep, 2010
Fungus gnats again! you guys must be having a plague of them over there!
29 Sep, 2010
Not that I've noticed.
30 Sep, 2010
I think they're very localised. We had a plague of them when we moved into the house we're in now a couple of years ago. The house had been empty for about 6 months, we arrived, then so did all the tiny flies. I spent weeks hunting them with the hoover - quite fun in its way - and they haven't been back since.
30 Sep, 2010
Indoors? Outdoors? Ignore them outdoors, hoover them up (using the "crevice tool") when they're not on the compost indoors. Hoovering is surprisingly good for dealing with plagues of fruit flies / compost flies. Could you have been overwatering the "lovley plant"?
29 Sep, 2010