By Guernseygirl
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I have had a honeysuckle for 2 years and it is has flowered for the first time this year.Can someone please tell me if I should cut it back after flowering.
25 Aug, 2008
When mine was new I kept tying it up and allowed it to romp and fill the area I wanted. Now I cut back growth when it gets out of hand. After flowering is probably a good time but mine seems to have two major flushes and some flowers all summer. Someone else will probably tell you something different, but I think it depends where it is and how big you want it. They are pretty rampant and ideal for covering eyesores. Mine is coveriing an old pig shed and has now spread over most of the roof which is what I wanted it to do.
25 Aug, 2008
Trim it back after flowering to keep it in good shape. If its an evergreen variety give it a light Spring prune as well. When its flowering give it diluted tomato feed to encourage more flowers.
25 Aug, 2008
Last year I "stole" a young wild honeysuckle plant from the rocky forested area above my garden and planted it by one of the columns supporting the upstairs balcony. It appears to like its position as it's given healthy new growth this year but no flowers yet. When it does, the flowers will send their scent directly to the balcony where we like to sit in the evenings. Can't wait!
26 Aug, 2008
Sorry Guenseygirl, meant to add - the wild honeysuckle around here obviously doesn't get pruned - except maybe by the occasional deer - and it flourishes wonderfully every summer. Not sure about hybrids but, unless it becomes a nuisance, I would leave it alone.
28 Aug, 2008
Previous question
Sue. are you training it to grow up any kind of support.
25 Aug, 2008