By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
No butterflies on my buddleias this year. Has anyone else had this? Very sad to see no butterflies this year on my buddleias, I don’t really like buddleias but just grow them to admire beautiful butterflies! 🦋
19 Jul, 2022
Depressing, isn't it --- the only butterflies I see these days are cabbage whites, and the odd common blue, but 30 years ago, my buddleia would be visited by a minimum of 9 different varieties. The other thing I've noticed is the lack of full throated dawn chorus - we get a few birds singing, but when I first moved to this part of West London 22 years ago, it used to wake me up it was so noisy...
19 Jul, 2022
None seen on mine either,as it isn't even in flower yet ! I live in hope ..
19 Jul, 2022
I disturbed one tortoiseshell on mine yesterday but that’s all. I, too, miss the dawn chorus though it’s mostly only blackbirds now. They’re lovely, of course, but you can’t beat the whole orchestra.
19 Jul, 2022
very few on mine, but butterfly numbers are down over 60%. the wet and fluctuating spring weather caused a lot to emerge too early then no food plants for them or their caterpillars. The heat will also keep them in the shade and not actively feeding.
I had several Whites on lily pads drinking from the pond yeaterday along with wasps and bees.
the buddlea will still be feeding hoverflies and bees so not all is lost.
19 Jul, 2022
I always thought all white British butterflies were cabbage whites but they aren't. There are half a dozen or more white types.
19 Jul, 2022
I have seen a few white Butterflies, a couple of Red Admirals and three or four small Blue ... so disappointing not to see more flitting about.
19 Jul, 2022
The marbled white is classed as one of the brown's so my daughter told me last year when we did butterfly surveys.
her masters project/thesis is a feasibility study and suggested recovery program for one of the fritillary butterflies. Cant remember which one though.
19 Jul, 2022
I saw a couple of red admirals earlier in the season but hardly anything since.Oh and a very small orange one whose name I don't know.
Bamboo, good to see you - was wondering abut you only yesterday.
19 Jul, 2022
I’ve had 1 Red Admiral, 1 Peacock, & a couple of Commas.
Not much for such a big Buddleia in full bloom. A lovely Gold ringed dragonfly visited the garden recently. Pity I couldn’t get a photo, it flew away as soon as I moved.
19 Jul, 2022
Thanks for your replies. I will hopefully see some more by the end of summer.
21 Jul, 2022
There are also fewer moths around too if the numbers from our moth traps is to go by.
22 Jul, 2022
We have seen a lot more butterflies in our garden this year, a lot of the little blue in the springtime but none recently, lots of whites, red admirals and peacocks visiting at the moment, oh!! also a pretty brown which I've seen down the local meadow and along the old railway track but never in my garden before...
Just been thinking about the return of the butterflies, so many more here this year, then I realised something , a group of volunteers have taken over caring for our town "Team Stamford" they have taken over clearing up the rubbish, cutting back trees that are encroaching from the base of the trunks, over some of the roads , blocking the drivers views, clearing the alleyways, mending the benches and replacing the flowers in the town when the vandals have been around, caring for our local meadows, loads of things that were just being left, in other words ," Jobs we pay the council to do" they have also planted wild flowers on a lot of the grassed verges and our green spaces, it looks wonderful, that could account for the return of the bees and butterflies increasing as well as making our town look cared for...
22 Jul, 2022
Sounds like they are doing a really good job, Linclass.
23 Jul, 2022
Seaburngirl - you're right about moths. When I moved here 20 years back, the big spotlight on the roof just above my lounge would attract hundreds of moths that I'd see through the window there, so many it almost looked like snow fluttering about... now, there might be 4 or 5 on a good night.
27 Jul, 2022
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Cabbage whites galore and a few Meadow browns that is all.
19 Jul, 2022