By Proberts
United Kingdom
what is this praying hands plant?

5 Oct, 2010
How strange!! A bit creepy too!
5 Oct, 2010
Reminds me of a Trillium - when was the picture taken? Or more accurately, when was it in flower? Ah, hold on you're a guest, you can't respond...
5 Oct, 2010
Bamboo... taken lthis week.. flowering today still.. October 2010
5 Oct, 2010
I think it is praying for some extra fingers....seems to be a bit short in that department! Sorry
5 Oct, 2010
We need Fractal to come on site... if anyone knows, he will. Not a Trillium if flowering now...
5 Oct, 2010
possible a deformed flower due to early insect damage at the point of forming perhaps. ?
5 Oct, 2010
Just looked in on this now. I agree Bizzyb. This is a malformed flower that almost certainly suffered some sort of trauma at a primary stage of development. I have never seen a multi pointed spadix before! It even appears to have two spathes surrounding them. Very unusual.
Thanks for posting such an unusual flower.
5 Oct, 2010
Yes, but what plant is it, Fractal?
5 Oct, 2010
Zantedechia aethiopica.
5 Oct, 2010
...possible the virtually hardy form Z. a. 'Crowborough'.
5 Oct, 2010
Sometimes weird things result when plants make "mistakes" in growing!
6 Oct, 2010
It is definately a Zantedeschia, and I had one exactly like it a few years ago. I sent a pic to GW, but someone beat me to it with the picture of theirs. So its not an uncommon thing for the spadix to distort and multiply. These oddities in nature are often called Fasciation and they 'fascinate' me. I get loads of it every year in different areas on different plants. But the best I had until this year, due to last winters damage, was a perfect 6" Delphinium. The fasciation can be caused by damage, virus etc.
6 Oct, 2010
Zantedeschia, well I never - I assumed the leaves were only about 6 inches from the ground!
6 Oct, 2010
Previous question
is it an Arum Lilly that's seeking salvation ?
5 Oct, 2010