North facing garden
By Pansy
United Kingdom
Which plants would be most successful in a north facing garden? apart from rose's. We don't get much time to work in the garden. garden in NW england.
27 Aug, 2008
Hi Pansy,
How long is the garden? I have a North facing garden at the back of the house.
Right next to the house I have Daphne odora, climbing hydrangea, ferns, acers, Pieris 'Forest flame' camellia- none of which need much attention after planting. Further away than about four metres one can plant most perennials.
27 Aug, 2008
I grow hostas, fuchsias, hellebores, oak-leaved hydrangea, aucuba, cornus shrubs facing north. Then there are the conifers, bamboos, ornamental grasses etc etc etc. Much will depend upon how much winter sunshine will reach your plants - especially between 10am and 3pm.
27 Aug, 2008
I have a north facing garden and one area is in a lot of shade. I have been surprised at how plants have withstood the icy blasts. I have a Laurel bush, Euonymus, anemonies, ground cover like Ajuga, Dicentra, and bulbs like crocus and snowdrops, and variagated ivy covering a north facing wall. Hostas do Ok too. In fact in my garden most shrubs and plants do well in partial shade. Although north facing the lower garden gets sun all day. Look at my garden if you want to see what else I've got.
27 Aug, 2008