By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
Hibiscus trionum grown from seed has become leggy - about 6 inches tall, and flopping. Would it be safe to give them the Chelsea Chop at this stage? They have four or more leaves and lots of root. Thanks.
21 May, 2023
Many thanks Eileen. I’ve been hardening them off for about a week now, and have pinched out the really floppy ones. Good to know that that’s ok. In the past mine have grown to 18” and that suits me!
23 May, 2023
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« I have sown some Shastas Daisies seeds in pots they are about 4" high now my...
are they indoors? if so I'd be tempted to support it first then get it hardened off outside first. Then pinch out the growing tip.
the RHS says its an annual but then goes on to say it takes 1-2 yrs to ultimate height! Another plant with a local name of black eyed Susan.
23 May, 2023