By Somhairle
Feeding Carrots
Does anyone feed their carrots during the growing season? I was surprised to read today a recommendation to feed carrots during the growing season. I had always avoided feeding them as I thought that they were prone to forking if fed.
So, anyne tried feeding their carrots with something like a tomato fertiliser high in potassium?
9 Jun, 2023
That is kinda how I used to grow them years ago. Any manuring would be done in the previous autumn and any fertiliser in the ground would be at least 1 mopnth prior to sowing. But definitely no feeding during the growing season.
9 Jun, 2023
I only mix something like bone meal but very sparingly before planting. I would say that the secret would be to produce a light, deep tilth with as few stones as possible and no compost or manure as this will make them fork. And make sure that they are not wanting for water.
9 Jun, 2023