By Ange2
United Kingdom
I was a fool to plant this alstro. It was sold as a red one but I realise it is the orange thug. It is romping through the border despite digging lots out.
Any suggestions about how to erdicate it once and for all??

30 Jun, 2023
Oh dear … I sympathise, but don’t know a solution … sorry.
1 Jul, 2023
How about the good old devils mix of vinegar, washing up liquid and some salt for good measure and spray every time a new shoot comes up. It will weaken the plants and hopefully kill them eventually. Or keep mowing them, same effect. If you haven't tried all that yet. And then there's weedkiller...
My nasty is bindweed, can't get rid of the stuff! So much for my good advice ;)
2 Jul, 2023
Thanks all. OH dug loads out and I think we shall have to resort to weedkiller as it reappears, sadly.
3 Jul, 2023
Well, Klahanie, it's even mor annoying to know you have planted this thug when you expected it to be a red one! All my named ones are very well behaved..
5 Jul, 2023
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I have others, Meadow, but this one is a real spreader.
30 Jun, 2023