By Hank
United Kingdom
I guess you guys will solve this question - does one have green fingers or green thumbs if one is good with plants ?
16 Jul, 2023
My son thinks fingers are the English and thumbs are American ?
17 Jul, 2023
Agree, I've seen both. In that context I would include thumbs as being one of the fingers....
17 Jul, 2023
Have just asked daughter in California ( landscape. gardener ) if they have a version.
Meanwhile - thanks for replies.
17 Jul, 2023
Green fingered here and Green thumb is a lawn care company in the UK.
17 Jul, 2023
The term Green Thumb can from an article in the Ironwood Daily Globe newspaper (USA) in 1937. The term Green Fingers originated in 1906 in the novel- The Misses- Make Believe written and published in the UK. Both seem to relate to the staining of these digits from the Green algae growing on the surfaces of clay pots. That was a really good question Hank.
17 Jul, 2023
They are very good - we used to hire them when we had a very big lawn and no time.(And no they aren't paying me!)
17 Jul, 2023
Thanks for that L my daughter agreed with you. I must send a copy of your reply to her.
18 Jul, 2023
Along with my regards please:)
18 Jul, 2023
I've always been all, I mean green thumbs. :)
19 Jul, 2023
I've always thought green fingers, but now you have set me doubting
17 Jul, 2023