The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Shropshire, United Kingdom

Can anyone recommend a perennial geranium for a dry shady spot? Have already got lots of geranium phaeum in both white and dark purple. Thanks



Ams, have a look at this:

Hope that helps with your choice.

16 Jul, 2023


I have G macrorrhizum again pink and white forms. I have also had G renardii and both have done well for me in deep shade under the beech tree.

16 Jul, 2023


Thanks, can find lots of geraniums for full shade but not for dry shade. Think geranium Nodosum is good for both.

16 Jul, 2023


If you Google "Plants for 'shade" you will find several sites that specialise. I have found asking them very useful - usually keen to reply promptly and helpfully.And you can usually see illustrations of them as well. I've forgotten the exact name of the nursery I've used but that will find them. They have a huge selection of ferns too.

16 Jul, 2023


Just remembered - its Long Acre Plants.

17 Jul, 2023


Geranium Rozanne seems to flourish anywhere ...

19 Jul, 2023


Thanks everyone. All sorted now.

20 Jul, 2023

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