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By Tulip19

Shropshire, United Kingdom

Plant I.d. It's the time of year when plants pop op you just don't recognise in your garden! The second plant has popped up everywhere! It's the same hight as verbena bonariensis. Any help would be appreciated.



well it looks like a verbena, probably a seedling from the existing ones.

28 Jul, 2023


I'm wondering if the first pick is Lemon Balm, try rubbing the leaves :)
I agree with Sunburngi the second pic is a verbena :)

30 Jul, 2023


I'm confused. I have somehow now got a second account called 'Tulip 19'. Have never set it up and was wondering why my question hadn't come up under my Amsterdam name? Just came across it now on my phone under Tulip 19?

1 Aug, 2023

How do I say thanks?

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