United Kingdom
I have a small number of out-of-date cold packs (used for sports injuries) which contain ammnium nitrate crystals. Could I use these to fertilise my garden plants, and if so, how should I do this?
9 Oct, 2010
If you really want to use it up, add it in small quantities to your compost heap, where it will help the compost to break down by feeding the micro-organisms in the heap. Then you can use the compost on your plants. Far better than the 'junk food' of chemical fertilisers which don't feed the soil, but give plants an unnatural boost,leading to weak and sappy growth.
10 Oct, 2010
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« I want to reduce some conifers in height (Thuja Occidentalis "Smaragd")...
Well I wouldn't even though ammonium nitrate is a fertiliser.!
10 Oct, 2010