By Kapt_kenn
United Kingdom
Just wanted to thank all of you that helped me with all your great answers, unfortunately my wife has just gone completely blind and I'm having to do everything for both of us now, not sure yet if I'll ever get out in the garden as my day starts at 6.00am just helping her to get to our thankfully bedroom toilet, our little dog doesn't know about blindness so he's waiting at the bedroom door to go down for his business , I never realised how much my wife done when she could see, oh my how lovely that was then, trying to find what clothes to put near her and help her get dressed, she always has cooked for me so i'm now trying to cook for her, breakfast, dinner, tea, yes sometimes burnt, then do the washing, oh what settings, what goes with what to be cleaned, then there's the food, need shopping, what to buy and I must get back quickly and unharmed or she will be all alone, then returning home I must call out as the first time I didn't and she thought someone had broke in, oh! how awful i felt, I sit with her and talk about things I see in the garden as she doesn't want tele on, then as she nods off I sneak out there to try and do something so as to just get some sort of normality in my life, little things like dead heading that might need doing only to find her when l go back in trying to get out the front door, when I asked her where you going she said "to the toilet" she seems to have lost all bearings in our home, how can i be doing gardening, I only done it for her to see the lovely colours of the flowers, the grass won't wait for me as it still needs cutting but must remember to pop in to see she's ok, again found her at the top of the stairs looking for the toilet, oh my, one more step and l would of lost her forever
Thank God I can see for her to help her and thank you lovely people for your lovely letters and the help with my gardening question, now in the past l feel
kind regards
Kapt Kenn
27 Aug, 2023
Oh that is such a worrying time for you. Make sure you get all the help you are entitled to from the council etc.
look after yourself too.
28 Aug, 2023
Oh! I'm so so sorry to hear this news & so worring for you.
I hope you get all the support you & your wife need, Attendance Allowance is one I should think?
You take care, burnt food at the moment but I'm sure you will get better at it xx
28 Aug, 2023
Thank you so much you lovely people so sorry I shouldn't put my problems on you but thank you for your lovely replies, I'm a bit stronger these day's so can face it a bit better now, as in helping her get about I'm the train engine and she's my first class carriage, at the correct (slow) speed we move to her destination or where she needs to go, she only had one seeing eye as lost the sight in her right eye 20 yrs ago, but since talking to you lovely people something has happened, I just knew something would happen if I spoke to you lovely people as when your thoughts went onto us we received a letter, they say they want to operate to see if they can get any sight back at all but it's only comes with only a 50/50 chance in her getting any sight from this once seeing left eye
I'm so desperate for this to work so wanted to ask you lovely people to say a little prayer on her operation day 15th Sept thats 16 days time, appointment at 1.00pm, you must X your fingers and put your thoughts on her eye op that day with a prayer about 3.00pm, this will help this surgeon guide his shaking hand to a miracle, my wife is called Sandra Groves, I will let you all know after op the out come of your prayers
31 Aug, 2023
Will do. Bit hard to type with crossed fingers, but will give it a go. My mother had eyesight problems and surgery helped her when she was well over 80.
31 Aug, 2023
15th Sept is a good date [my birthday] and of course Sandra will be in my thoughts .
fingers/toes crossed.
1 Sep, 2023
Your so wonderful you lovely people thank you thank you, I will mention on the day to help you remember but thank you soooo much it means so much me xx
10 Sep, 2023
Previous question
« Could someone ID this for me, please? I suspect it was buried by a squirrel.
I am so sorry to hear this news. Please keep reporting to us on how you and her are managing.
27 Aug, 2023