West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Hello Gardeners of Yorkshire! Is there an evergreen clematis that will survive on an arch in an open position in a York garden? My daughter has moved there and wants an Armandii like mine which grows like Topsy here in the deep south, but I have read they aren't suited to the north unless very sheltered. In any case, she has a very small garden and it would soon get out of hand. If not a clematis, do you have any other suggestions for an evergreen climber which will add interest, please?
11 Sep, 2023
Lonicera henryii is an evergreen honeysuckle and grows well in my garden and my daughter's in Beverley. not as large a flower or as scented but petty and good for the moths and butterflies.
12 Sep, 2023
I would agree with you that Armandii will take a bashing in winter. I have seen them fail, even down south. I would give Ceanothus skylark a go as long as it's not very exposed. This would give you evergreen and flowers.
12 Sep, 2023