By Anitamay777
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
Holes in rhododendron leaves what is causing them, I cannot find any creatures on or around the plant,whatever is eating it is there a solution please?

29 Dec, 2023
29 Dec, 2023
I agree with Owdboggy, the edge ones do look like vine weevil. You can get a treatment called Provado that tackles them, though I'm not sure if it works in the winter.
29 Dec, 2023
Thanks will try it
29 Dec, 2023
Agree, it does look like vine weevil. Provado is only recommended for use in containers (I believe) and not in the ground. You can use nematodes introduced directly in the ground but only when the soil warmes up. The treatment is rather expensive though. The weevil grubs feed on the roots and then develop into flightless beetles who feed on the leaves. They come out during the night so you could collect them with a torch and flick them into a container. As you only have one shrub, then perhaps try and cover the surrounding ground with some landscaping material and so that existing weevils cannot emerge from the soil so as to break the cycle.
30 Dec, 2023
Sounds like a plan, thanks
30 Dec, 2023
Slugs or snails will make the holes in the centre of the leaves, but notches on the outer edges are more likely to be adult vine weevils.
29 Dec, 2023