United Kingdom
what can i use to get rid of worms from my lawn
12 Oct, 2010
Nothing, now, I'm happy to say - there used to be a lawn treatment you could use for this, but it's been withdrawn, some time ago now. Look at it this way - every time they deposit a little pile on your lawn, they've aerated it for you, and that little pile is extremely rich in nutrients, don't waste it - brush into the lawn when they're dry, or lift off with a trowel and put on your borders.
12 Oct, 2010
also look at it abit more indepth, worms create soil, without it you dont have a lawn, we dont have life. Worms are our friends - - - -at least until WE are planted that is !!! Keep smiling. ;-)
12 Oct, 2010
Just use a hard brush to gently spread the casts, you dont want to get rid of worms as others have said they are aerating the lawn for you.
12 Oct, 2010
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Why would you want to get rid of worms guest, they are good for the lawn in many ways. If its because they are making worm hills, just stamp them down.
12 Oct, 2010