By Pamsco
Can I relocate a kniphofia? It has 3 spikes this year and is encroaching on the drive - I was going to move it to the back garden and wondered if they minded being dug up?
30 Oct, 2010
Yes, I moved ours year before last and they seem happy. I think I managed to do it in the autumn.
30 Oct, 2010
Thank you. I just hope the roots aren't under the flag stones making it tricky to get a rootball out generously. Will give it a go today.
31 Oct, 2010
You can move them, but the usual rules apply - get a good rootball to minimise disturbance to the plant. Would have been better done in October, so if you can do it this weekend, all the better. Water in well in new position.
30 Oct, 2010