United Kingdom
can you get any diseases from cutting yourself on a tulip
2 Nov, 2010
No more likely than if you get a paper cut or any other cut - cleanliness is the answer if its a cut acquired during gardening, but there's nothing particularly fatal about a tulip bulb. I'll admit I'm puzzled as to how on earth you could cut yourself on a tulip though...
2 Nov, 2010
Agree volunteer. My wife asked for a pickled onion the other day from the fish & chip shop, she ate it and it turned out to be a tulip bulb. She's in hospital now but feeling ok.
She's due out in the spring !
Sorry. :o)))))
2 Nov, 2010
Agree with the above. The only disease is likely to be infection from any dirt. Personally I would just have sucked at any cut and then stuck a plaster on it. Please come back, Guest, and tell us how you managed to get a cut from a tulip bulb!
2 Nov, 2010
Maybe Guest mistook it for garlic and got bitten by a vampire on Halloween!!
2 Nov, 2010
most intriguing Guest. Hope it heals ok.
2 Nov, 2010
well I do know of a person who lost their life for chopping-up & cooking tulip bulbs mistaking them for onions.
Look to the history books when tulips were all the rage & changing hands for thousands of pounds.
This poor chap was a cook for some bigwig way back who had him executed.
So if this hapless chap was beheaded then the answer is 'yes' you can get cut by tulip !!!
2 Nov, 2010
I've gotten cut by a loose tulip bulb tunic before. As Bamboo says, no worse than a paper cut.
3 Nov, 2010
i take it you washed your hands well after devloping the cut.
But all the years ive grown Tulips ive never ever known to get cuts from these .the leaves are too soft and so are the stems
3 Nov, 2010
look on the bright side you could dutch sorry only joking.
3 Nov, 2010
i meant to say you could LEARN dutch.
3 Nov, 2010
I've never found tulips very sharp!! You could get an infection in the cut, though. If you are at all worried see a Dr or the pharmacist.
2 Nov, 2010