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Surrey, United Kingdom

I have a climbing Hydrangia this is the first one I have ever had is it OK for the leaves to fall off in the winter and do I have to do anything to it like prune



Hi Nannyann, If it is Hydrangea petiolaris, you don't need to prune it at all (unless there's a long, straggly branch you don't want), but in my experience they are well-behaved and quite compact. Yes, leaves falling is normal as it is deciduous.

2 Nov, 2010


Leaving you with lovely cinnamon coloured branches.

2 Nov, 2010


Just love the flowers, does great on shady walls.

2 Nov, 2010


The only thing you'll want to do is to cut off the dead flowers sometime between now and when the new shoots appear.

2 Nov, 2010


Don't know if you have had any flowers yet but if you haven't , don't worry. That's normal . They are sometimes slow to get going and can take a long time to flower but it's worth waiting for. It's a lovely climber.

3 Nov, 2010


Thankyou to all who answered my question about my hydrangia I only planted it this year and am very grateful for all the information I have recieved

3 Nov, 2010


I think my info about cutting off dead flowers was a bit too soon, then - but you'll know for the future. Good luck with it, and enjoy it. It has a wonderful autumn display of yellow leaves!

3 Nov, 2010


I wouldn't worry too much about cutting off dead flowers - I leave mine on as they are very attractive, and they eventually fall without my help!

4 Nov, 2010



4 Nov, 2010

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