By Noseypotter
United Kingdom
hello Peter and Ajay and everyone else . i was wondering if we could get a raffle for charity together perhaps . its not worth it if there isnt enough interest but hopefully there will be . im not sure how to do this but its worth a try . my idea is to sell tickets with all proceeds going to charity .50% my charity and 50% the winners choice of charity . the winner gets a portrate from a photo drawn for them . it can be animal or human as thats my thing realy but i would draw say individuel flowers and its worth asking me about other subjects . landscapes however are not my strong point . maybe thow we could get other artists on here interested in the same thing .anyway im just putting the idea out there so any ideas or help would be apreciated . take care bye for now .

7 Nov, 2010
Hi NP this is not as easy as you think NP, just contact your chosen charity and they will give you the ins and outs of what you can do for them.
7 Nov, 2010
well i guess thats why i through the idea out there realy moon grower .
7 Nov, 2010
well yes i guess your right . what ever happend to just giving a cheque to a charity lol ?
7 Nov, 2010
You can do that NP as an individual - though it may have to be a card you use!
7 Nov, 2010
well just got to get the people to buy tickets then .
7 Nov, 2010
An individual ticket could be sent to a purchaser if they paid for it and included a stamped, self-addressed envelope. I guess it would mean trust from both parties (seller and buyer) and perhaps that isn't easily established.
The idea is a lovely one, is a shame that locally the charities are not happy to receive one of your artworks for fundraising. That seems a more convenient option for you.
I think you are of a generous spirit, NP....good karma to you.
7 Nov, 2010
red tape hay what happend to humanity .
thanx anyway whistonlass x .
7 Nov, 2010
You need to have a license to run a lottery. There's a fee involved (used to be £35 for the first one, then £17.50 to renew it annually) - and forms. The "promoter" would need to apply to their local council. Bureaucracy and red tape - they're strangling us!!
7 Nov, 2010
Sounds complicated, a raffle considered the same as running a raffle? I have heard about registering with the local council but I thought that was for door to door collections? Red tape!
7 Nov, 2010
Is a raffle a raffle Whistonlass? When I last looked it was! :-)
A raffle where you sell tickets for a draw on some future date is a lottery. So you can sell cloakroom tickets at a coffee morning for a draw that will be held, say, an hour later without a licence, but for any other arrangements you have to have the paperwork under control. The printed tickets have to show who the promoter is, licence no. & what the prizes are. It's also illegal to offer different odds, so 25 pence per ticket, or £1 for a strip of 5 is not legal as the person buying £1 worth of tickets has different odds to the person buying one ticket.
I haven't done door to door collections. I expect they need a different licence, as does selling in the street.
7 Nov, 2010
ow well forget it it was just a thaught . ill do something myself . shame but hay ho .
8 Nov, 2010
great portrait NP, have you had some botox work done ?
I kid I kid !! ;-)).
Here's raising a glass to enthusiasm.
Somehow I get the feeling there are commissions coming your way.
( Is that a mountain or lowland gorilla?
He's a dignified silver-back that's for sure. )
8 Nov, 2010
Great idea NP. Its a shame that all this red tape stuff stops a lot of people with very good intentions, the gorilla is magnificent.
8 Nov, 2010
thank you so much it is a real shame just to give something away to help someone or something that needs it .
someone came round from the red cross the other day and they cant carry donation tins incase they get mugged .
ow what a wonderfull world .
im not sure if im a lowland or mountain gorrila bampy lol .
well ive tried writing to the actual charities so it seams you just cant help even if you want to .
how diabolical is that .
8 Nov, 2010
Thanks for clearing up the distinction between a raffle and a lottery, Beattie. I think the red tape rules out NP's generous offer.
Sorry, NP that all avenues seem to lead to rejection of your fundraising offer. Our local charity shops all seem to have Christmas hampers and other goods sold by raffle tickets so perhaps a direct approach to an individual charity shop might be the answer? Although you sound as if you've pretty much explored most options.
Life does get complicated sometimes :(
8 Nov, 2010
Nothing is straight forward or easy anymore Leigh however much we would like to do something to help , many years ago I started a playgroup in the village hall , the red tape was ridiculous to try to raise money for equipment through Raffles etc. you would think they would be pleased that there are people willing to do it ..... no it's deffinately not easy ! xx
8 Nov, 2010
lol Beattie....I have just noticed my error in my post earlier. "is a raffle considered the same as running a raffle?" should have read...."is a raffle considered the same as running a lottery?"....sorry about the
8 Nov, 2010
;-) Whistonlass! I gathered that was what you meant, just pulling your leg.
It's a great idea NP - I assume you've approached local branches of charities? Sometimes they have an auction of promises evening or similar where your idea could generate some cash for a good cause.
8 Nov, 2010
a lot of them including the wwf,pdsa,rspca dont even bother to right back to name but a few . the world is truley turning to ---- . ill leave that word to your imaginations but fill it in any way you feal fit . i give in ill just contribute when ever i sell a picture like ive been doing . the world is just crazy and seams like it wants to implode on itself im afraid to say . i feal sorry for our children or there children.thanx for anyone who supported my idea and me i truley apreciate it . take care bye for now .
8 Nov, 2010
That's such a shame :~(( xx
8 Nov, 2010
it is a shame im sure if it was david shepherd there would be know such problem lol .
9 Nov, 2010
Yes, you can bet on that Leigh, they obviously dont know class when they see it xx
9 Nov, 2010
obviously skillen who would of thunk it ? lol . i wish id never asked lol .
10 Nov, 2010
A liking for a picture is such an individual thing NP. I exhibited for years and sold occasionally. As soon a digital photography got established, our art group noticed a drop in sales at our exhibitions. How often do people say on antique shows it didn't go with our colour scheme and shove a good bit of artwork in the attic? I have a friend who had a local following for years. As they fall off their perches her sales have dropped. Best thing us lot have done is take part in the hospital pictures on the wall money given.
17 Nov, 2010
it mite be a good idea dorjac . the gorrila was just to show the quality of my work not what i was offering . i its erelivent now anyway .
18 Nov, 2010
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NP nice as the idea is how do we actually sell tickets? And to whom?
7 Nov, 2010